
Don’t anger the underground supervolcano

There’s a supervolcano under Yellowstone National Park called the Yellowstone Caldera that last erupted in a big way approximately 640,000 years ago. The next time it erupts, it could potentially result in a large swath of North America getting covered in ash, creating a sustained volcanic winter that kills roughly half the world’s population. Before we get ahead of ourselves, scientists at the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory warn against overreacting to reports that this supervolcano is overdue for another full-scale eruption. In fact, they reassure us that “recurrence intervals of these events are neither regular nor predictable.”

Turning Back the Pages

100 years ago Jan. 11, 1924 County Commissioner, Dan Martin, informs us that work on State Highway number 18, (the road leading from Dublin to Comanche county line) began Wednesday morning, starting at west city limits and working to connect with Highway to Comanche county line.

Court talks Operation Firewater

In a brief agenda, the Erath County Commissioners Court opened 2024 with its first agenda, full of regular items. The board received and filed an agreement between the county and Garner Park Ranch Partners, LP for a project known as Operation Firewater.


Local resident Bruce Johnson had been in Dublin a long time and was a respected mechanic at the Ford Dealership in Dublin, otherwise known as Reid Motor Company. He was respected by his employer and his fellow workers. He was also an overseas veteran of World War II. His daughter turned age six in 1955 and planned on attending the first grade in Dublin elementary school. Brenda was the first black student that our public school system ever had.

Where are they now? George Earl Goin

George Earl Goin has dedicated his life to his faith and to the service of others. Throughout his decadeslong construction career and his years as a deacon for the Charismatic Episcopalian Church, he’s found a life that he loves.

Peace, Love and Hope in the New Year

Thought: Thousands are on a quest to seek out these three attributes of peace, love and hope in a world that is in a selfdestructive mode. Fear and anxieties grip the hearts of so many as they turn to alcohol and drugs to find peace and meaning in life. Suicides are at the highest numbers in the last couple of years with young and old taking their own life. Let’s talk about PEACE. How can we find that ellusive peace that will last? The first step is to know the peace giver on a personal level.

One more, Lord

Save some by snatching them as from the very flames of hell itself. And as for others, help them to find the Lord by being kind to them. (Jude 1:23 TLB) Hacksaw Ridge was a 2016 movie about Army Pfc Desmond Doss, the only conscientious objector to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor. The story is about one with an unyielding passion for sacrificing himself for others.

A report on the Texas Dairy industry

The landscape is always changing in the Texas dairy industry. Three years ago, Texas had too much milk and needed a production control program to slow milk production growth in Texas and New Mexico.

A moo-ving experience

A lot of people stayed in bed extra late Monday recuperating from too much fun on New Year’s Eve, but Paul and I went to the first day of the Erath County Junior Livestock Show. More specifically, we froze at the Dairy show.

Burying the lede for a new year

It’s resolution time, which means your local gym’s treadmills will be in high demand while they glisten with other people’s sweat (until roughly the end of February). You’ve probably set some goals for yourself and defined ways you’d like to be more awesome in 2024. Allow me to suggest an additional resolution: to win at life with better grammar.