Tiffany Williams


Where Are They Now?

  • Tiffany Williams
    Tiffany Williams

Whether she’s working in the medical field, managing a group home for people with disabilities, or even stepping in to raise her sister’s children when her sister couldn’t, Tiffany Williams’ life has revolved around helping people.

Williams attended Dublin schools through her sophomore year of high school in 1997, when she got married and decided to leave school. She earned her GED the same year, and attended medical administrative school online. Once she earned her certificate, she spent a couple of years working from home doing insurance and billing.

A couple of years after she began working, Williams’ sister was experiencing some health problems and Williams stepped in to raise her three children. Williams stayed home with the children for nearly ten years, homeschooling one of them.

Around 2009, she moved to Oklahoma to be closer to her mother, and started working for the State of Oklahoma’s Opportunity Center. There, she helped conduct state assessments for people with disabilities and managed a group home.

The job required long hours. “I was always at work, pretty much,” she said. “I would go to work, come home and then go back to work in the evening.”

Her favorite part of the job was forming relationships with the people she worked with. “[I liked] just getting to know different individuals and what they’ve been through,” she said.

In 2013, Williams moved back to Texas, and three years later she got remarried to David Walker, who she met through mutual friends in Dublin. She worked for a few years as a produce manager for a David’s grocery store in Acton, then in 2018 she started as a guest service associate for a Marriott hotel in Weatherford.

Williams remained at Marriott until recently, when she had to take some time off due to health issues. After having some time to recover, she’s now ready to go back to work. She’s considering returning to her hotel job, or potentially getting her real estate license so she can work as a rental agent.

Williams and her husband live in Weatherford. Her father and step-mother Stanley and Rhonda Williams still live in Dublin, and her mother and stepfather Kay and Johnny Hobbs live in Oklahoma.

When she’s not working, Williams enjoys creative hobbies. “I do a lot of different crafts,” she said. “I make wreaths and stuff like that.”

Throughout her life, she’s found inspiration from her father, Stanley Williams. “My dad is my favorite person in the whole world,” she said. “He’s awesome.”

Williams’ advice to Dublin graduates is to stay motivated and pursue their goals. “Follow your dreams,” she said.

Editor’s Note: This column chronicles what Dublin graduates have done since high school. If you have any suggestions for other grads, email