First United Methodist Church News


The church’s Community Table and Food Pantry recently received a couple sizable donations into these community programs.

One was from the Stephenville Area Elks Lodge for $3500. The second was from the West District UMC for $1000.

A big Thank You to both groups for your generous donations! We’ve also received other donations along the way and we are so appreciative of everyone’s support.

The Food Pantry is available Monday thru Thursday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. for anyone in need of assistance. Just give the church office a call before coming to insure someone is available to assist you. That number is 254-445-2157.

Community Table is open to the community. It’s the last Wednesday of the month.

If you would like to be added to our deliveries call the church office and they will make sure you are added.

If you want to pick up meals, just call the church office to arrange. We will be glad when we can open up the Fellowship Hall and be able to eat together.

Until then we are still delivering and fixing take out. God Bless and we hope to see you Wednesday, September 30.