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    Berry’s Picks

Soil Testing

I really want to encourage folks to get out and pull a soil test to get ready for the upcoming season. This is one of the most economical viable management tools available to any farmer.

With the potential this growing season holds, you want to be ready to take advantage of the moisture when we get it and get good yields from whatever you are growing.

The only way to know what your soils need for either high yields or just maintenance is through soil testing.

Knowing what your soil needs, can not only save you money, but it also allows you to more effectively improve the health and vigor of your grass stand.

All disease issues I see in bermudagrass are caused by low nutrient issues.

I do understand that the fertilizer budget can be limited, if you cannot fertilize for maximum production, with a soil test you have the option of putting out lower amounts of the nutrients that are more representative of what your soil needs. This approach will not get you maximum production, but it will help to maintain plant health and survivability much better than just putting out 100 lbs. of nitrogen. If it is maximum production you want, then you will need a soil test to indicate exactly what combination and amounts of nutrients your soil will require to meet those maximum production goals.

This is also the time to be applying some nutrients. If you need lime you will want to get it out as soon as possible. Depending on rainfall lime can take several months to breakdown and go to work in the soil.

If during last year’s drought you skimped on fertilizer, then grew lots of grass following the late rains, you can bet you will be short on some if not most nutrients.

The only way to find out what your soil really needs is with a soil test.

These tests are cheap $12.00 from the Texas A&M Soils Lab, and even free from many of the local fertilizer dealers in the area. Who knows when the water spigot will cut off?

Knowing your soils needs will help you get the most from the moisture while it is available. If you would like the A&M soil test form, please come by or give us a call we will be happy to send it to you.