Woman’s Thursday Club

  • Master Naturalist Peggy Tolboom shows members of the Woman’s Thursday Club of Dublin the butterfly garden at the Dublin Public Library, educating them about native flowers and pollenators. Wyndi Veigel | Citizen staff photo
    Master Naturalist Peggy Tolboom shows members of the Woman’s Thursday Club of Dublin the butterfly garden at the Dublin Public Library, educating them about native flowers and pollenators. Wyndi Veigel | Citizen staff photo

Ladies of the Dublin Woman’s Thursday Club met in the Clay Room of the Dublin Public Library on Thursday, May 11 for their last meeting before the summer hiatus. Seventeen members and two guests gathered at 4 p.m.

President Fran Jurney called the meeting to order, and the group immediately said the Club Collect together; the roll call followed with five members having perfect attendance.

Minutes were read by Judith Lemons and approved. Treasurer Judy Lunsford presented the treasurer’s report.

Corresponding Secretary Leta Sage read a note of thanks from the First Methodist Church for the 36 hygiene bags donated by the club to go out in Food Pantry boxes.

President Journey reported on the paper items donated to the CWJC for the year.

Club members donated money to cover the cost of the Bluebonnet Award books for the library; the surplus was passed to Adina Dunn, librarian to be used as needed.

Clarification of volunteer hours was discussed.

The summer reading program at the library was outlined and members were asked to volunteer with the summer activities. The Back-to-School Fair will need many hands for preparation and on the day of especially.

Master Naturalist Peggy Tolboom presented a wonderful program on Monarch butterflies, pollination, how to help preserve our bird, bee, butterfly, etc. population.

Conducting the program as an interactive discussion, members contributed information also regarding our Cross Timbers Region.

Adjourning from the Clay Room, the discussion continued as Tolboom identified plants and their purpose outside in the butterfly garden. In conclusion, she had potted plants for members to take home. What a wonderful way to close this cycle of programs! Thank you to Peggy Tolboom for her informative and interesting program as well as the bonus of the plants.

The new cycle of meetings will kick off at the end of September.