In the Neighborhood


Hico News Review

Hico Police Chief Ronnie Ashmore has published a fictional novel called “Family Secrets”. The novel is about a small town police force investigating the death of a young man and how the death and investigation affects the town. “Family Secrets” is a crime mystery set in a fictional town and characters. This novel is supposed to be the first in a trilogy and a nonfiction book he authored is supposed to be coming out next year and is about police leadership.

Hamilton Herald-News

A photo featured monarch butterflies in Sophia Yates’ backyard as the butterflies made their annual stop during their migration. Monarch butterflies are the only butterfly to make a two way migration similar to birds, using air currents and thermals to travel the long distance.

Comanche Chief

Lynzie Day was crowned Homecoming Queen on Oct. 1. Due to COVID, the Comanche High Schools were postponed until Oct. 1 without a football game. Around 300 people attended the Homecoming festivities. The evening began with the introduction of the varsity football team and cheerleaders, with the introduction of the Football Sweetheart with the Cheerleader Beau after. The CHS band played between intros and then the homecoming court was announced with the grand finale ending with Lynzie Day being crowned Homecoming Queen.

DeLeon Free-Press

The Terrill Antique Car Museum hosted an event for Ford Model T enthusiasts on Sept. 30. Members of the Space City Model T Club of Houston were in attendance and six Model T’s were on display.