Garden Club learns floral design


The Dublin Garden Club held their regular monthly meeting March 13, at the Laurel Street United Methodist Church fellowship hall. Pam Bills, owner of the Dublin Florist Shop, was our guest speaker. Pam made a gorgeous flower topiary, explaining the differentflowersandgreenery as she put the topiary together. Then Pam donated it to us to draw for the topiary. Carla Stevens was the winner.

The club voted we had raised enough money, with a generous donation, to give two $500 scholarships to graduating Dublin High School Seniors. We hope we have several applicants.

Next month is our field trip. It will take place April 10th. We plan to go to the greenhouses at Rising Star. It’s a very large plant operation. And their plants are always very healthy with several different plants not easily located. We meet the second Wednesday of each month with guest speakers each month. We invite you to join us. Contact President Mary Howard at 254-977-3686 for information.