Garden Club learns about composting

  • Garden Club learns about composting
    Garden Club learns about composting

The Dublin Garden Club held their regular monthly meeting at 3 p.m. Feb, 14, at the Trinity Anglican Church Fellowship Hall.

Lonnie Jenschke, Erath County Extension Agent, was the guest speaker.

Mr. Jenschke spoke about good practices for successful composting. Needed are microbes, browns, greens, water and oxygen. Microbes are the good bacteria and fungus found naturally in soil and decompose the pile. Browns are dead leaves and grass. Greens are fresh grass, vegetables, fruits, coffee grounds, and egg shells. You have to water the compost pile to keep it decomposing. For oxygen, turn the pile to help it decompose better and faster.

We are submitting to the Dublin High School this month our scholarship form. We hope High School Seniors will review the scholarships available and apply for all of them. We will announce a winner in May.

We meet the second Wednesday of each month. We have guest speakers each month.

We invite you to join us. Please contact President Mary Howard at 254-977-3686 for more information.