DJH OAP claims silver at District

  • Dublin Jr. High One Act Play cast and crew show off their 2nd place district win.
    Dublin Jr. High One Act Play cast and crew show off their 2nd place district win.

Dublin Jr. High One Act Play claimed 2nd place in District competition on Thursday, Dec. 7 as they performed “The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood.”

“We had a lot of fun with the show, and students learned a lot about performing comedy as well as the value of teamwork,” said Dublin OAP sponsor Pam Kasinger. “”I’m so proud of these kids. Their hard work paid off!”

Dublin OAP members also claimed the following awards.

Best Performer:

Fatima Castro Ruiz

All Star Cast:

Hailie Whitworth Tristan Augustine Malakai Thompson Rios

Honorable Mention All Star Cast: Joe Salinas Rowdy Hayes

Best Tech:

Eugene Hutchinson Ryder Caldera