Area Briefs


Adopt a pot now available downtown

Keep Dublin Beautiful is looking for volunteers to adopt some of the big pot planters downtown along Patrick St. Beautiful flowers and greenery in these pots help to show visitors we care about our city.

Adopt a pot, create a pleasing planting, and keep the welcoming green going through the summer. Help and advice available.

Contact Pam Simon, President of KDB at 254-9795722.

Women’s Missionary Union to meet
The Women’s Missionary Union will be hosting a meeting each month on the second Thursday.

The meeting is held at noon at Community Baptist Church located at 505 West Mesquite Street.

WMU is a community-based women’s group.

Women’s Conference set in Comanche
“Women of Christ” is excited to announce a rare opportunity in Comanche County.

This group, representing five Comanche County Churches, is sponsoring “Choose Joy” Women’s Conference, Saturday, March 16 from 1 to 5 p.m. at Eastside Baptist Church.

Attendees will experience a big city Christian praise experience in small town comfort. Come and be unified and encouraged by the love of Christ and the love of your neighbors! Enjoy worship, music and speakers Peggy Joyce Ruth and Amber Emily Smith. Tickets are $30 and available online at http://bit. ly/ChooseJoy_Conference or call Cindy Newman at (254) 842-8521 or Linda Mckeehan (254)842-7616. Seating is limited so register now.