Joiner appointed to council, Place 1


“I think I’ve always been in some servant role my entire life,” said Barrett Joiner, who was sworn in to fill the Dublin City Council Place 1 seat previously vacated by Lee Jones Monday, Feb. 12.

“City Council isn’t something that was always on my radar but obviously we all get older and if you want to get involved and help, it’s not always about the brute force stuff,” said the 2002 Dublin High School graduate. “It’s also about being behind the scenes making a difference in another way.”

Joiner was born in DeLeon and grew up in Dublin and the surrounding area.” This has always been home to me,” he said.

After graduating high school, he worked was a student worker at Tarleton while attending there and also worked at Radio Shack and Hard 8 BBQ.

He also served as a volunteer firefighter from2002 to 2018, illustrating his dedication, to serve his community.

“Sometimes dealing with numbers and the bigger picture is scarier than fighting fires,” he admitted.

Although it may be new to him, Joiner is excited about helping in a different capacity and offering a solutions to the community where he and his wife are raising their children.

He offers this advice to his Dublin neighbors: “Voice your concerns and give people time. Things aren’t always instant. I think there’s great things for Dublin and a lot of people here that care. Sometimes the wheels turn really, really slow and it gets frustrating. I get that. I’ve been there’re before. Now may be my chance to help somebody in that situation.”