Berry’s Picks

  • Berry’s Picks
    Berry’s Picks

June is Dairy Month and Dairy is Important to Comanche County

Our local dairy families do much more than milk cows, they provide a major boost to the local economy, the dairy industry is vital to Comanche County. There are currently 13 family dairy farms in Comanche County; these dairies produced 649,876,400 lbs. of milk last year. The total value of just milk sales from our county dairies in the last 5 years has averaged approximately $99,000,000.00/year. That is a lot of money being pumped into the local economy from milk production. Many production expenses are paid to local suppliers, and as wages to employees. Dairy Farmers also spend part of their wages and profits in the county - eating at local restaurants and buying groceries, clothing, etc... In turn, the employees of these businesses purchase supplies and spend wages at local businesses. Dairies also pay a large portion of the local taxes, which go to support better schools, roads, etc… Money is multiplied as it circulates through the economy. Consider that economists tell us this income will turn over approximately 2 times in the community where it was made and you can see just how important the dairy industry is to Comanche County.

To help celebrate Dairy Month, the Comanche County Dairy families want to show their appreciation for the local support provided to the dairy industry by Comanche County. The Annual Comanche County Dairy Breakfast is scheduled for Wednesday, June 16th from 6:00 until 9:00 at the Comanche County Community Center. Come and enjoy a great breakfast, there is no charge and everyone is invited. Here are some facts about the dairy industry and dairy products.

Approximate number of dairy cows in Comanche County 25,000.

Comanche County dairy producers produced 75,567,023 gallons of milk per day in 2020.

In 2020 Comanche dairies produced the equivalent of 1,209,072,368 8 oz. servings of milk per day.

This one is my favorite. Comanche dairies produced enough milk to make 54,156,367 gallons of ice cream in 2020.

Comanche County consistently ranks in the top 10 counties for milk production in Texas.

Milk is considered nature’s most nearly perfect food.

The best sources of calcium are milk, yogurt, and cheese. About 72% of the calcium in the U.S. food supply comes from dairy foods. These foods also provide protein and several other important nutrients.

U.S. cows give an average of 6-1/2 gallons of milk per day. That’s over 100 glasses of milk -- enough for 33 children to have 3 glasses each day!

25 gallons of milk can make 18 gallons of ice cream, 22 pounds of cheese, or 10 pounds of butter. It takes about 30 cups of milk to make 1 pound of butter.

The natural yellow color of butter comes mainly from the beta-carotene found in the grass cows eat.

Vanilla is America’s favorite ice cream flavor.

More ice cream is sold on Sunday than on any other day of the week.

Milk remains fresh for 7-10 days after the expiration date if refrigerated at 35-40°F. Each 5° (F) rise in temperature shortens milk’s shelf life by 50% because of bacteria growth.

Tank trucks for transporting fluid milk were first introduced in 1914.

Plastic milk bottles were first introduced in the United States in 1967.

Today’s dairy farms use 10 percent of the land, 23 percent of the feed and 35 percent of the water that was required to produce the same amount of milk in 1944. (Animal Agriculture Alliance)

On average, dairy farmers receive 30 cents of every retail dollar for milk products.