Curtis Honeycutt Grammar Guy

The back-word world of semordnilaps

The latest words from across the pond

I smell a skunked term

Circling back to squares

This summer treat’s a sure bet

Feel free to use the apostrophe

Everyone’s a clitic

Like teaching grammar to a baby

There’s a splinter in your word

Please alllow me to interject myself

Some volcanic vocalic verbiage

Absolute adjectives and you

So afraid? Afraid so!

The world of water words

To sound the silliest, become an illeist

The Wordle on the street

Is it time to wave the white flag?

The four seasons

A lesson in parts, in two parts

Starting a new year with neologisms

A weasel by any other word

Why it’s A-OK to write ‘Xmas’

A look back at backward words

5 Holiday card grammar mistakes to avoid

The rise of capital verbification

The world of wordcraft expands yet again

Why ‘grateful’ is spelled that way

The state of pronunciation

How to ace your alphabet skills

Don’t read too much into it

Ready for cardigan season

Unlikely to wince at minced oaths

What’s really on the menu?