
Where Are They Now? Lucia Solano

Dublin Lucia Solano is a successful occupational therapist in Las Vegas. Her path wasn’t always easy, but she has balanced raising her son as a single mom with cultivating a thriving career in a field she loves.

Clay in His Hands

2 Corinthians 4:7 But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. Iwatchedasthepottermanipulated the clay on his wheel.


It was a blistery 19 degrees outside. There wasn’t any snow but brother, it was cold. I was probably 20 years old and serving as the assistant pastor of a church. It was my first pastoral position. The senior pastor had taken me under his wing and allowed me opportunity to preach, teach and assist him in any way he needed me. It wasn’t a paid position, but I was honored and thankful for the experience and opportunity.

County Agents Office Has Moved

Your local Comanche County Extension office is no longer located in the basement of the courthouse. We have moved to 1414 North Austin Street, Comanche, TX 76442- the previous office location for Central Texas Farm Credit.

The Lawn Moore

America really is The Land of Opportunity. Even if there’s only one opportunity, and that opportunity is cutting the grass.

Library Log

With summer right around the corner, the Dublin Public Library has been hard at work planning its annual Summer Reading Club and adventures will abound with year’s activities. “Adventure Begins at Your Library” is this year’s theme and will kick off at 11 a.m.

Club rewards grads

The Dublin Garden Club held their regular meeting, May 8, before dismissing for the summer. DJ Klutts hosted at her home.

Where Are They Now? Laura Gilbert

Laura Gilbert has always been a caring person. “Even as a kid, if there was an animal or another child younger than me, I always wanted to nurture them,” she said. “I always wanted to take away the pain, kiss the booboos, make the bad things go away.”

The job of Job

Sunbeams danced in the sparse clouds in the blue sky above. The song of the Chiffchaff could be heard in the scrub bushes nearby. Under a palm tree sat a figure, thin and somewhat pale for the common bronze bodies of those spending much time in the sun. Coming closer to the man, he sat in ashes, covered only in a long loin cloth, bare from his waist up. His exposed body revealed multitudinous sores, boils that seemed to cover his entire physic. With a piece of broken pottery, he scraped and scratched those that itched.

Wise Love

Isaiah 55:8: “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “God chose you out of love and not wisdom, but he reveals his wisdom by his love,” said Evangelist David as he shared the word of God.