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100 years ago Jan. 11, 1924

County Commissioner, Dan Martin, informs us that work on State Highway number 18, (the road leading from Dublin to Comanche county line) began Wednesday morning, starting at west city limits and working to connect with Highway to Comanche county line. This road will be graded and put in good condition, thereby helping travel along this route.

Luther Burleson, of Bluff Dale, a man familiar with roads and road building is in charge of this work and we feel sure that he will put forth his very best efforts in this work. Before being awarded the contract Mr. Burleson was Commissioner from his precinct, having resigned in order to take up this work.

When this road is completed Dublin will be connected with west Texas by one of the best roads in the state and there is no reason why we should not become one of the great trade centers of west Texas. It was once said that all Texas needed was more rain and better society. Seeing we have that; all we need is more good roads and more genuine boosters for the hometown.

We also understand that work on the road from Dublin to Hico in Hamilton county will begin at once.

75 years ago Jan. 14, 1949

The Dublin FFA team won first place in the Grass Judging Contest which was held in De Leon Friday, Jan. 7. The contest was sponsored by the Upper Leon Soil Conservation District. The Dublin team consisted of three boys, Audry Tatum, Wendell Tackett and Don Russell, and two alternates, Glyn Thiebaud and Jerry Bradley. V.A. Underwood is the Dublin vocational agriculture teacher.

Mr. Underwood states that there were 63 contestants and eight teams from different parts of the country who entered. Following are the number of points the five winning teams made out of a possible 495: Dublin 470, Comanche 461, De Leon 432, Sidney 408, and Comyn 402.

The five individual winners according to points were: J.W. Wright of Beattle, 165; Virgil Evans, De Leon, 161; Wyndell Tackett, Dublin, 160; Billy Fred Curry, Fairview, 159; and Audry Tatum, Dublin, 158. These individual points were made out of a possible 165. J.W. Wright of Beattle had a perfect score.

50 years ago Jan. 10, 1974

The January 12th Bond Election is going to save “YOU” the taxpayer some money, if you place your X in the box nest to ‘For’ on your ballot this Saturday.

The Dublin School Board is keeping abreast of the times and will be helping your pocket book if you vote FOR the bond election.

The architect for the renovation program addressed a small crowd of interested parents and citizens Tuesday night as the PTA and School board meeting got underway.

Strong and soundly constructed were the words used by the architect for the Grammar School Building. He reported this building will hold up for many more years to come and by voting for this bond election it would save the taxpayers money. A stone building costs lots of money to build and Dublin should be proud to have such a fine structure. By remodeling the inside of this building you will not only have a new modern school but a strong outside structure as well. Of course this will help the environment for the students who attend this school.

25 years ago Jan. 14, 1999

Dublin FFA and 4-H students displayed a strong youth movement with a bevy of places in this year’s Erath County Junior Livestock Show.

“It was a great year for our kids and they did such a fine job,” ag teacher Danny Prater said. “We did very well in the showmanship and overall, everyone did a great job. And you just couldn’t beat the weather.”

Cole Dame, a Dublin freshman, took top honors with a grand champion heavy medium wool lamb, a first place with a light heavy medium wool lamb, and earned senior showmanship honors.

Dame is only a ninth grader, but he makes about 50 livestock shows a year. He credits his friends and his father, Steve Dame, with his showmanship success.

“It’s fun and it’s lots of hard work. My dad is a former ag teacher and I’ve learned from him,” Dame said.

(The excerpts above are from prior editions of The Dublin Progress and The Dublin Citizen, and are meant to reflect the history and writing from those time periods.)