Thankful for family


FromtheJournalist’sDesk Thankful for family

  • Thankful for family
    Thankful for family

Thanksgiving has always been one of my least favorite holidays if I’m honest. (Insert boos here for all you Thanksgiving loving people).

I mean at the base level a holiday that focuses mainly on food is just odd but nonetheless I participate each year and consume the requisite amount of turkey.

Followed by the required turkey nap.

This year I was fortunate enough to have a little time off to take Paul with me to meet my Aunt Karen (my mom’s sister) for the first time and spend some much needed rest with my mom and grandma.

The trip three and a half hours south to Sonora was enjoyable as was spending a couple of days in the serenity of a goat ranch just recharging.

Seeing my aunt again after so long without visiting her was great as was time with my mom and grandma.

We also got to enjoy a history side trip to Fort McKavett which Paul and I both loved.

Paul and I are both so fortunate to have two families who support us, love us and even spoil us, along with our husky Cooper. He too, got his fair share of turkey followed by a turkey coma.

Family more so than anything else is what thanksgiving is to me and if that comes with a huge charcuterie board full of delectable delights as well as pumpkin pie, then who am I to argue? Without a doubt I am thankful for our families this year.